B-PEP, the Black Political Empowerment Project, was launched on May 21, 1986 as a non-partisan community collaborative, consisting of agency, organization and religious leaders, as well as committed individuals, which seeks to build political power and influence for the African American community by:

  • Advocating that ALL African Americans are registered to vote, and that they embrace the mission:  “It’s a LIFETIME COMMITMENT …African Americans VOTE in each and every election!”
  • Advocating that those in political office move to expeditiously and effectively meet the needs,  aspirations and concerns of the African American population they are elected to serve.
  • Recognizing the pivotal and powerful connection  between a consistently high voting pattern in the African American community and its impact on the political process.

 B-PEP is primarily a volunteer organization which relies upon the dedication of people who donate an incredible number of hours to an organization that they truly believe in because of its ability to “uplift” our communities by providing “hope” and a sense of purpose.In addition to ensuring that African Americans participate in the voting process, B-PEP oversees other projects including the Coalition Against Violence, the Regional Equity Monitoring Project (REMP), and we partner with the Youth Media Justice Initiative and with CCAC’s Young Adult Empowerment Program (YEAP).  For more information visit Tim Stevens and the B-Peppers at “b-pep.net”